Honestly, I can never hate smokers, but I do really hate smokes.
I have some friends and relatives, and they smoke. But, smokes always make me depressed to the max, for sure. I wondered why smokers could put up with those useless things (re: cigarette). Whereas, smoking just makes them spend much more money, right? And they're like burning all their money for, what can we say umm, a 'pseudo'-happiness, just for a short time of happiness. Smokes will also 'gnaw' their body slowly, breaks their lungs, their brain, and the other organs of their body. I'm sure that almost all smokers have already known about the fact and the impact of smoking. And I wondered again that they still relaxly smoking everywhere and everytime they want. Uuuuurgh!!
I just wanna ask the smokers.
Do you love your God?
If you do, then I ask more, do you love your God more than yourselves?
If yes, then you should stop smoking, o' smokers!
'Cause if you love your God, you'll take care of yourselves well, give the best treatment for your body, and keep doing a healthy life, for sure. Supposing your body as a diamond or as a glassware that you always keep them safe, right? You'll give them the best treatment, right? You don't wanna they break even a little piece, right?
You know that we aren't ours? We're God's. We're Allah's. And He has entrusted to us to keep our body until He call us again later. Do you think He will be happy if our body that come back to Him aren't well anymore? And all are because of our faults, our inability to keep His entrusted.
And I wanna ask again.
Do you love your God more than yourselves?
If yes, then you should stop smoking, o' smokers!
I think you've already known that Allah gives us an infinite incomes, earnings and so on, not only for our needs, but He wants us to do something beneficial using them.
"O you who have believed, spend from that which We have provided for you before there comes a Day in which there is no exchange and no friendship and no intercession. And the disbelievers - they are the wrongdoers."
- Q. S. Al-Baqara : 254
"Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He may multiply it for him many times over? And it is Allah who withholds and grants abundance, and to Him you will be returned."
- Q. S. Al-Baqara : 245
So, please stop smoking, o' smokers!
Better you spend your money for good things than you burn it in a few minutes. You also have to save more money for preparing your illness someday. And I don't know either how Allah's reaction to give you lesson not to smoke anymore. As I know, we've promised and will always promise Allah that "Inna shalati, wanusuki, wamahyaya, wamamati lillahi rabbil ‘alamin".
If we do love Allah and have promised Him those words, are we dare to not treat our body well and spend our money for good things, as He entrusted to us?
Keep educating and inspiring^^
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