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Many Thanks, Everyone

Assalamualaikum :D
Alhamdulillah, the National Exam has been over today. Say so many thanks to Allah for his guidance during these 4 hard days. Really love Him. You know I felt that Allah has helped me (always help me exactly) to study for the exam and to do the exam of course. When I couldn't do some questions, I felt confused at first. And I remembered my mom's suggestion to say 'sholawat' then I did it. Then finally there was like a 'thing' pass through my mind, and I could find the answer of it. And you know, it wasn't just once, but many times. Besides, many thanks to my mom and dad who always pray the best for me. You know, usually my mom or may dad calls me once in 2 days, but along these 4 days, they call me twice a day. What an attentive parents they are. Really love them too. And once more, say many thanks to my relatives, my teachers and my friends for their pray and encouragement. Love them too, and I'll miss them of course. Hope we always be friend till the end of time yeah guys.
well, for refreshing time this evening, I've borrowed Perahu Kertas movie file from Acil and Adel. Daaaahhh, wanna watch it now. Assalamualaikum :D
