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This Saturday Afternoon

Alhamdulillah my school exam has been over today. Feel relieved enough that I could do almost all my exam fluently, with His help of course (many thanks Allah). And I hope that the result will be very very nice 'cause it will determine whether I pass it or not, right? Hmm, it was so tired to prepare for my school exam since almost a week ago. Moreover I was in a little homesick that I didn't go home for more than two weeks. Well, but our struggle is still going on now. Yes, my friends and I have to, hmm not just have to but must study harder and pray stronger for National Exam next April. Bismillah we can do it with the best process and result. Pray for us yaa. Many thanks :)

well, it's one of Iffah's request to posted:
"... Dan siapakah yang lebih sesat daripada orang yang mengikuti keinginannya tanpa mendapat petunjuk dari Allah sedikit pun? Sungguh, Allah tidak memberi petunjuk kepada orang-orang yang zalim." Q.S. Al-Qasas : 50

*I'm going home this afternoon. Can't wait to see my little happy family there :D
