Innalillahiwainnailairaajiuun.. Deg! It was surprised, so bad surprised. I do remember more than a year ago when I joined the 3rd selection of AFS, Carlos' father was sick. And several moths after that, there were news that Carlos' father got sick again and again. We helped him through his hard times. And now, when he is in USA, there was a news that his father has passed away. I was speechless at first, I didn't know what to say, I can't imagine how Carlos feels there. He can't go back to Indonesia now of course. I was afraid, afraid of lossing my parents later. Afraid I can't accompany my parents to their last place in this world. Astagfirullah.. I thought it was a warning from Allah for me. Last time I wanted to continue my education to NTU Singapore, or if I can't pass the entrance exam, I wanted to take FTTM ITB, whereas my parents didn't 100% support me. I didn.t think how I live there, how my parents' condition in Pasuruan when I'm ther...